Celebrating Onam – Learning About the History, Traditions, And Customs

(Viewed 947 times since Aug 2023)

Table of content:

  • Legend And Mythology Behind

  • Onam Preparation And Celebrations

  • Pookalam: The Vibrant Floral Rangoli

  • Onasadya: The Grand Feast Cultural

  • Performances And Traditions

  • Onam's Message Of Unity And Prosperity

India is rightly called the land of festivals, with people in different parts of the country celebrating some festival at any given time. These festivals add a sense of color and joy to everyday life and hold great historic and cultural significance for the people celebrating them. Onam is one such festival that is celebrated with great zeal and fervor in the south Indian state of Kerala.

This colorful and vibrant harvest festival is celebrated during the Malayalam month of Chingam. It is one of the longest harvest festivals celebrated in India and lasts for 10 days. The various traditions and customs that form an integral part of the celebrations reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. Some important aspects related to the celebration of Thiruvonam 2023 are explained briefly as follows.

Legend And Mythology Behind Onam

King Mahabali has been held in high regard by the people of Kerala since ancient times. According to legend, the region witnessed its golden period under the rule of the legendary king. The people enjoyed great freedom and prosperity and lived in harmony.

However, upon witnessing the happiness and prosperity of the subjects of Mahabali, the Gods became jealous. So, they asked Lord Vishnu to snatch his kingdom by convincing Him that Mahabali posed a threat to them. This led Vishnu to pay a visit to a king in the form of a dwarf Brahmin named Vamana. He then asked the king to donate him as much land for his living as could be measured by his three steps.

King Mahabali, promised to give Vamana the said land, although his Guru Shukracharya had already warned him about the plan of the Gods. On getting assurance from the king, Vamana suddenly increased his size tremendously. He then took one step to measure the entire earth and with his next step, he measured the heavens.  With no place left for the Brahmin to take his third step, Mahabli offered him his head, being well aware that it would cause his death.

Impressed by the honesty and generosity of Mahabali, Lord Vishnu granted him the boon of being able to visit his people once every year and this is how the festival of Onam celebration began in the region.

Preparation And Celebrations

The preparations for the festival begin weeks before the actual celebration. People clean their homes thoroughly and adorn them with different types of flowers and Onam decorative items. In addition, people take part in various performances and cultural events as part of the celebrations. Some important traditions that form an integral part of the celebrations are explained in brief as follows.

Pookalam: The Vibrant Floral Rangoli

The Onam pookalam is a beautiful and intricate floral arrangement that people create as a part of the festival celebrations. The arrangement is created on the ground using colorful flowers of different types and sizes. The arrangement is created either in front of the homes or even in public places early in the morning on the first day of the festival. A new layer of flowers is added to the design every day making the arrangement more elaborate and textured.  

Onasadya: The Grand Feast

One of the most important Onam traditions is to prepare a grand and sumptuous vegetarian feast known as onasadya. It comprises multiple courses with several different dishes which reflect the culinary diversity of the region. The feast is served on banana leaves with each dish placed at a specific position on the leaf. The feast is enjoyed while sitting on the ground and eating the food with your hands.

Cultural Performances And Traditions

Like every year, different types Of cultural performances and traditions will mark the Onam 2023 celebrations. These include various music, dance, and drama performances that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. These performances help to highlight the talent of local artists besides adding to the fun and excitement of the festival.

Onam's Message Of Unity And Prosperity

The celebrations of the Onam Festival 2023 aim at reminding people of the values of humility, generosity, and community that King Mahabali promoted during his selfless rule. The various events that form a part of the celebration aim at promoting unity, humility, prosperity, and generosity among the people in the region.


What is onam and why it is celebrated?

Onam is the 10-day-long harvest festival celebrated in Kerala which also marks the homecoming of the region’s beloved demon king Mahabali.

What is done during Onam?

During the festival, people decorate their homes with various Onam decoration items and take part in various cultural events and performances. A grand feast is also prepared as a part of the celebrations which is served and eaten traditionally on banana leaves while sitting on the ground.  

What is the story of Onam?

According to legend, Onam is celebrated to welcome King Mahabali during his annual visit to his kingdom as per the boon granted to him by Lord Vishnu. 


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