Encyclopaedia of Yoga for Common Diseases (Set of 6 Volumes)

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Item Code: NAL214
Publisher: B.R. Publishing Corporation
Author: Dr. H. Kumar Kaul
Language: English
Edition: 2015
ISBN: 9789350507582
Pages: 2427 (Throughout B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 3.40 kg
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Book Description

About the Author

Born in Srinagar (Kashmir) in 1936. Dr H. Kumar Kaul received his school education in Hadow Memorial Mission School Srinagar (Kashmir). As College Student he distinguished himself as the best actor best debater, best swimmer, best sportsman, best scholar. His enviable performance in these diverse fields, brought in its wake the highest honour. All Round Best to him. He Passed his M.A. (English Literature) and B. Ed. (Kashmir University) Diploma in Journalism (Delhi University) and Ph. D. from Punjabi University Patiala.

In 1963, he joined D.A.Y. College Abohar (Punjab) and remained Head of the Department of English for ten years. In 1975, became Principal S.D. College, Barnala (Punjab). He has been practicing Yoga for the last 40 years. He is a member of the All India Yoga Association Delhi, member of the Yoga Academy, Banaras, Chairman (Yoga) Mission International Faridabad, Trustee of the International Centre of the study of Tantra Yoga, New Delhi. He has won many distinctions and Awards in the National Yogasana Competitions. Dr. Kaul is prolific writer. His 46 books on Yoga have been widely acclaimed in and outside India. His 220 Research Papers on Yoga have been published in National and International Magazines and Newspapers. His talks on Yoga therapy have been broadcast from All India Radio, Jallandhar. Due to his extraordinary contribution in the field of yoga title of Yogacharya was conferred upon him in 1998. Yoga Ratna in 1999,Yoga Pursha in 2000 in the world Yoga Conferences. Yoga Shiromaini was conferred upon him by the Mission International Faridabad in 2001. In 1998, he was selected Senior Vice President of the Indian Council for Research in Yoga and a Member of the Governing Council of the World Yoga Parishad. He is founder President of Swami Virjanand Yoga Sadhna Kendra, Barnala. Dr. H. Kumar Kaul is broad-reservoir of ideas and experience-a dynamic Personality.



The highly sophisticated modem man is intellectually brilliant, scientifically analytical, flamboyantly hyper- active, and fiercely ambitious, but unfortunately he is physically disease-ridden, mentally depressed, morally decrepit and spiritually bankrupt. The resultant rank materialistic life has made man a complex-chaotic entity, and he is blissfully ignorant of the divinity within himself and his potential to be ever happy. The real answer to the above is not to denounce or renounce materialism, which has come to stay, but have a firm material base, with the mind intent on acquiring spiritual enlightenment.

Thus, while the outer material world is fantastic, the inner world of body and mind is in shambles, making man a helpless victim of degenerative diseases. Hence, this book "Encyclopaedia of Yoga for Common Diseases" by Dr. H. Kumar Kaul is a boon to mankind. In, his characteristic lucid exposition, Dr. Kaul has indicated how diabetes, declared by modern medicine as incurable, can be cured by yogasanas and pranayama. He also says that shallow breathing by man which exposes him to many physical and mental problems, can be erased by pranayama.

Aware of the fact that at present undisciplined eating habits are on the increase causing diabetes, the author has stressed on the importance of proper diet, consumed with discipline.

The author has also explained how the disease of diabetes, which is dangerously subtle and tends to slowly eat into vital organs, has been in existence from Encyclopaedia of Yoga for Common Diseases ancient times, and at present is rampant throughout the world, both among old and young, rich and poor as well. Some statistics have averred that India at present enjoys the dubious distinction of having the largest percentage of diabetics in the world. Further, like other degenerative diseases, diabetes is inherited from the parents. Hence, it is imperative that this book should be studied carefully and contents practised assiduously, not only for cure but also for prevention.

Dr. Kaul, with his extensive knowledge, has aptly commenced his book with a quotation from Dhammapad, which avers, "no one helps us but ourselves", whether to cure diseases like diabetes or achieve ultimate peace and happiness. In fact, Yoga in its totality beckons man to find physical health and mental peace in oneself, and finally realise God in oneself.

The existing religions so far have not only failed to bring peace and harmony but also brought unfortunately discord and dissentions among people. All the "Isms" have also failed to solve man's problems and bring happiness.

Hence, Yoga in its "Totality" ("Poorna Yoga" as it is also called) appears to be the answer. While Hatha Yoga brings health and strength through asana and pranayama, Karma Yoga with devoted action followed by ready acceptance and yagna-spirit of sharing, ushers in prosperity and quietitude, and Bhakti and Gnana Yogas bless man with ultimate bliss. In fact, Raja Yoga helps man acquire all these, of course through different techniques. Unfortunately, there are very few "Poorna Yoga" personalities, like Lord Krishna in any age.

Hyper-activity aimed at increased productivity and consequent wealth, followed by physical and mental ailments, appears to be the order of the day. The author, at the age of 70, is a shining example of one who is "hyper-active", engaged in all-round production, yet endowed with physical health, mental peace and spiritual knowledge. This achievement has been possible for him because of his being a devotee of Purna Yoga.

Dr. Kaul is popular with the Yoga community of India. May he, by God's grace and the powers attained by him through Poorna Yoga, live a hundred years and be a torch-bearer of all Yoga ideals.



Modern man, mesmerized by the glitter of luxuries provided by the present technological civilization, has Unfortunately lapsed into laziness where the discipline of the body is concerned and failed to mentally rediscover his own divine nature. Further, in view of the existing cut-throat competition, limitless ambition, enormous thirst for wealth, combined with irresponsible indulgence in food and sex, have hardened our hearts, silenced our scruples and corrupted our moral base leading to heart, diabetes, depression and other diseases.

The book "Encyclopaedia of Yoga for Common Diseases" has aptly described in detail how some diseases at present pose a major challenge to life and longevity. Just as business management is most important, whether it is hotel or hospital, household or industry, the correct management of all the organs of our body is essential. The key organ that works non- stop from birth to death all the 24 hours, is the heart. For the heart to be healthy one must entertain healthy thoughts in the mind, and adopt yogic way of life. In fact, holistic health is essential for one to have a healthy heart.

In the treatment of many diseases, unnecessary medication is discouraged, as most drugs have harmful side effects. As a cure the book "Encyclopaedia of Yoga for Common Diseases", prescribes yoga in its entirety. Hatha Yoga for the body, Raja Yoga for the mind and Gnana Yoga for scaling spiritual heights. The yoga in its entirety has been detailed in the book.

Coming to the subject of cure, the books stress the important role of Asanas practiced with Pranayama. Asanas without pranayama degenerate into mere physical jerks. Yogasanas not only aim at strengthening the inner organs like the heart, the lungs, digestive organs, and endocrine glands but also bring about development of body and mind with regular practice of yogasanas with pranayama most ailments can be nipped in the bud.

Many ladies, who work both in the house and outside as well, tend to believe that they need no yoga or any exercise. I wish to inform such ladies to perform selected Asanas with pranayama to lead a disease-free life to enjoy both health and beauty.

About Pranayama, it is said that "To breathe is to live and to be alive is to breathe." The prevalent abundant pollution, stressful conditions of life, faulty food habits, faulty style of living-all make pranayama absolutely essential. In each inhalation we breathe in both oxygen and "prana" otherwise called vital force "Cosmic Energy". While the oxygen goes to the lungs to purify the blood, the prana is stored in the nervous system. Higher types of Pranayama help to make man to spiritual heights. "Food is thy Medicine," is a wise saying from a great man, which very few follow at present. Increasing number of palatable dishes, that only cater to taste are flooding the market. Errors in diet can give rise to many ailments and diseases. Lord Krishna told Saint Udhava, "Jitam Sarvam Kite Rase," he who controls taste controls everything. In the book Balanced Diet and Yogic Diet have been discussed in detail.

In the relentless pursuit of wealth, power and position and all the things that follow them many have become "work-o-holics" with no capacity whatever to relax and sleep properly. Such people take recourse to "drugs, happy pills, tranquillizers," smoking and alcohol. These may give a temporary relief, but ultimately land them in diseases-physical and mental. In fact, such people are potential heart-disease patients. Jogging and other physical exercises tend to strain the heart. On the other hand yogic relaxation in Shavasana with rhythmic breathing gives "Super-relaxation," providing required relaxation and rest to both body and mind.

Yoga treats human body as a flower. Yogasanas give exercise to every system and every organ in the body. The word yoga has a long history. It is an integral subjective science. Its divisions into spiritual, mental or physical cannot be separated from each other. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root "yujir" meaning "to yoke" or "union" or "to join" Viyoga is the opposite of this implying "Separation". Yoga is the restoration of "Swaroopa" or absolute peace. Yoga is equanimity, serenity and control of the senses and the mind. Yoga is a technique, a way of life, a path, a method that has something to offer to everyone, men and women, irrespective of age, faith or clime. No branch of yoga is more popular and more misunderstood than the Hatha Yoga. The word "Hatha" is derived from the ancient Sanskrit words "Ha" and "Tha" meaning The Sun and The Moon. These symbols refer to the metaphysical and physical aspects of yoga. Our physical and mental faculties must be so trained that they shall function with rhythm and harmony. Yoga is an ideal system for attaining harmonious development of body, mind and mental health. Patanjali states in his "Sutras" that harmonious development of body, mind and soul can be obtained through the eight limbs of yoga:-
1. Yama: (Abstinence) moral conduct, truthfulness, non -covetousness.
2. Niyama (Observances) of cleanliness, contentment, self-discipline, study and self-surrender to God.
3. Asanas (Right postures).
4. Pranayama (Breath control) control of prana by regulating breathing processes of inspiration, expiration and retention of breath.
5. Dharna (Concentration) fixing the mind .on one subject or point.
6. Pratyahara (Sense withdrawal) turning the senses in word and withdrawing them from external objects.
7. Dhyana (Contemplation) or Meditation keeping the mind fixed exclusively on one subject or idea for something without any interruption.
8. Samadhi (Self-realisation) super conscious experience in trance where enlightenment or union with self takes place.
Because of numerous requests from patients and yoga students I have undertaken to write this book so that even in the absence of a teacher one can practise daily this science of yoga to maintain good health. But it is desirable to get training from an expert yoga teacher. In the course of writing these books on common diseases I have been inspired by the tenacity, wisdom, and intellectuality of Yogi Ram, a great yoga luminary; his words of blessings that have come to me in the form of foreword are like drops of nectar to me. I have been inspired by the following yoga luminaries for their most valuable opinions and exhortations. My meetings with them have dispelled many doubts and removed many confusions hovering in my mind. 1. H.H. The Dalai Lama (Macdolganj)
2. H.H. Jagat Guru Kripala ji (Barsana)
3. H.H. Swami Krishnanand ji (Rishikesh)
4. H.H. Swami Akhlesh ji (Ara, Bihar)


Heart Diseases
Heart diseases and other ailments owing to high blood pressure are at the top of the list among the major causes of death and disability. Many people succumb to the fatal stroke of a heart attack at the prime of their life. Today, cardiac diseases pose a major challenge to life and longevity. Life style has a major role in the cause and cure of many modem diseases including heart attacks. Human heart is much more than a muscular pumping machine pushing blood for the body needs. Heart goes on working non-stop even when other organs may be having a little seista. Both internal environment (milieu interior) and external environment (milieu external) are important for the well being of the heart.

External environment includes the diet we eat, the air we breathe, the people we meet and the unpleasant situations we face daily. Although modem drugs and surgical wonders have given a new lease of life to many yet the laser, stents and bypass surgery are beyond the reach of common man. The state budgets are also silent on such costly treatment. Prevention of heart diseases and hypertension should be through hygienic measures, life style modifications and non-drug means such as (1) Yoga, (2) Balanced diet comprising more vegetable and fruits and less of fats, (3) Avoiding excess of salt and alcohol consumption, (4) Avoiding smoking, (5) Avoiding sedantry life style, (6) Facing stressful situations with a positive attitude and mental relaxation through study of religious texts, music and meditation.

If a person is having high blood pressure, diabetes or high blood liquids like cholesterol, triglycerides etc. one should start appropriate drug therapy, pranayama and yogasanas to keep the blood pressure, blood sugar and blood liquids in normal condition. Yogatherapeu tic measures have, in fact, not only made the lives of victims of heart disease free from pain and other symptoms, but have certainly saved many from pre-mature death. In India, about two decades ago, heart attacks were rare in the youth. It will not be long before heart disease becomes number one killer in India. The two important factors of heart disease are tension and diet. As compared with our fore-fathers, the tensions which the modern man has to face have grown a hundred fold. As a result of mental tension, man is prone to smoke, drugs and drink to get feeling of relaxation. He takes recourse to tranquillisers, pills, alcohol etc. but all these things make his mind sick.

Diabetes is a lingering and baffling disease. Most of the diabetics lead a normal and long span of life because they have learnt the importance of preventive, Curative techniques and have fair knowledge of restricted diet. There are certain diseases namely surgical where Yoga is silent but there are certain diseases where yoga has shown wonderful results. The information disseminated in this book should serve as guideline to the diabetic. Unless a diabetic has strong will positive approach, a desire to learn and follow seriously the suggestions, he cannot derive much benefits. Of course doctor's advice is an essential pre-requisite for the diabetic.

This part deals with backache causes consequence and yogic cure has been written to fill up the gap of communication between the patient and the doctor. The number of patients suffering from backache is rapidly increasing. The book has been written for educated laymen who are ignorant about their own disease and ailments. Technical terms have been avoided and substituted with simple and familiar terms. The book has been written after the personal experience of the author. The yogic treatment for backaches has been highlighted. People generally take asanas and pranayama in a perfunctory manner. They do not know many things about yoga system which is a scientific system. Yoga is both art science. The purpose of this book is to present yoga especially Hatha Yoga in more detailed and accurate way. The treatment chosen is scientific of course there are many problems and deformities and disorders of the spine which require surgical treatment. Yoga is silent regardly these deformities.




  Foreword vii
  Preface ix
  Introduction 1
  Part-I: Heart Diseases  
l Structure and Functioning of the Heart 11
2 Common Heart Problems 19
3 Yoga, Meaning and Relevance 29
4 Asanas 49
5 Pranayama 65
6 Balanced Diet and Yogic Diet 71
7 Rest and Yogic Relaxation 93
  Part-II: Diabetes  
l What is Diabetes? 99
2 Causes and Symptoms of Diabetes 103
3 Functioning of Glands 109
4 Yogasanas for Diabetes 117
5 Pranayama for Diabetes 133
6 Yogic Principles 137
7 Diet Therapy 141
  Part-III: Backaches  
l Spinal Cord-The Tree of Life 149
2 Causes of Backache 157
3 What is Yoga? 177
4 Asanas for Backache 185
5 Pranayama for Backache 203
6 Yogic Relaxation 207
  Part-IV: Arthritis  
l All About Arthritis 211
2 Causes of Arthritis 249
3 What is Yoga? 255
4 Pranayama 261
5 Diet Therapy 265
6 Exercises for Arthritis 269
7 Asanas for Arthritis 273
8 Rest and Relaxation 293
  Part-V: Asthma  
l The Respiratory System 297
2 What is Asthma? 305
3 Causes of Asthma 309
4 Yoga, Meaning and Relevance 317
5 Allergic Diseases 333
6 Pranayama 345
7 Asanas for Asthma 353
8 Yogic Diet 371
9 Asthma and Diet 375




Skin Diseases
This part deals with causes and kinds of skin diseases in detail. Only those diseases have been discussed which can be prevented & cured under the system of yoga. Yoga can cure many diseases which other systems of medicine cannot, and yoga cannot cure many diseases which need surgical treatment, and those diseases about which other systems of medicine are also silent. The book will serve as a guide for the educated layman regarding skin Diseases. The technical terms, have been avoided and used only when and where necessary. Great are the powers of yoga and pranayama. Whenever in the course of these pages, my personal opinion is expressed, especially, regarding yogic treatment of skin diseases. It is based on personal observation and detailed records of over 700 cases of skin - diseases. The subject of dermatology is vast and the causes of many skin-Diseases are unknown.

In the preparation of this part liberal use has been made of the data and Illustration given in the book Rox-Burgh's "common skin diseases". For this I am especially grateful to H.K. Lewis & Co. (London). I also acknowledge my thanks and indebtedness to Excerpta medica Asia Ltd., Hong Kong. Publishers of "A color Atlas of Dermatology" from which I have used some diagrams.

This part deals with causes and remedies of hypertension. 80% of the patients coming to hospitals and clinics suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure. It is unfortunate that most of the people, including educated lot, are not aware of the adverse effects of high blood pressure. Most people are ignorant of its knowledge and fatal effects and dangers and complications.

The part deals in detail with the meaning, causes and complications caused by hypertension. Yoga therapy can prove panacea for hypertensive patients. The treatment of hypertension with yoga therapy has been discussed in detail. Generally, people take to yogasanas at random to their own whim and choice. This is a risky and dangerous approach. There are specific asanas for specific diseases. A hypertensive patient should not de pseudo-dynamic or dynamic Asanas. Such asanas can prove very risky and dangerous for a hypertensive patient. Only those Asanas and pranayama exercises have been discussed which have preventive and curative value for hypertension. With increasing complexities in life style, little physical activity, sedentary life alcohol and smoking, obesity and abnormalities of potassium, fat metabolism, sugar metabolism, sensitisation to sodium (common salt) raise the blood pressure and cause many heart diseases and stroke.

Health awareness is of paramount importance for everybody. The problem obesity is on the Increase worldwide. It is no longer restricted to the affluent and the elite. It has spread even to the middle and lower strata of society. It poses risks of many human ailments and diseases like varied cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and stroke. Obesity ranges between mild to moderate and morbid stage. The Implication, causes and obesity related diseases have been dealt with in detail. How obesity can be reduced or overweight decreased with the help of yoga which is both science and Art have been discussed in detail according to Chinese saying, " Most of the diseases enter our body through mouth". In fact the diet plays significant role in overweight and obesity. Yogic diet which is balanced diet for obese person has also been discussed. Vyayam Exercises yogasans and pranayama exercises which can reduce obesity and over weight have been highlighted. To reduce obesity and over weight, it is essential to do physical exercises and Asans regularly and seriously and to adhere to restricted diet.

Hardly there will be any individual who has not had headache, mild or severe in his or her life. In India about 85 million people spend over Rs. 10 crores a year to get relief from Headaches. Primary headaches constitute 95% and must not be taken non-seriously or jocularly as excuse for doing work. Secondary headaches are related to some organic problems. Every headache patient is a different individual and the treatment has to be tailor-made for him or her. Around one in ten Indians suffer from Migraine resulting in massive loss of manpower and restricted lives.

Headache is not a disease it is a symptom. Headaches come in many forms and in many degrees of severity. This introductory hand book is designed to give the reader some basic information about headaches and benefits from yogic treatment.

This part deals with causes, types and diseases related to Headaches in detail. Most of the headaches can cause agony, despair, frustration, sleeplessness, and decreased productivity. According to yogic treatment complete factual history of the patient dealing with the length of the problem, location of pain, time when it occurs, duration of attack, frequency aggravating circumstances, Illness and injuries, life style, sleep Pattern, stress and anxiety levels, family involvement... all these things have to be considered. The yogic treatment of headaches include yogasans, pranayama, meditation, diet and life style so as the cure reduce the frequency duration and intensity of headaches.



  Introduction 381
  Part-VI: Skin Diseases  
l The Structure and Functions of Skin 387
2 Skin-Diseases 399
3 Causes of Skin Diseases 437
4 The Role of Yoga 461
5 Yoga Therapy-l 465
6 Yoga Therapy-2 483
7 Asanas 487
  Part-VII: Hypertension  
l Stress, Depression and Hypertension 511
2 Hypertension related Diseases 525
3 Causes of Hypertension 533
4 Hypertension and Perennial Paths of Yoga 543
5 Meditation as Medicine 551
6 Pranayama 561
7 Asanas 567
8 The Diet Therapy 583
9 Yogic Relaxation 589
  Part-VIII: Obesity  
l. What is Obesity? 595
2 Causes of Obesity 599
3 Obesity Related Diseases 605
4 Anti-Obesity Diet 609
5 Yoga-A Brief Introduction 617
6 Pranayama (The Science of Breath) 621
7 Vyama Exercises and Sports 627
8 Asanas for Obesity 639
  Part-IX: Headache  
l. Headache and Its Causes 683
2 Types of Headache 701
3 Headache in Women 707
4 Yogic Treatment 717
a What is Yoga? 719
b. Warm-up Exercises 726
c. Yogasanas 728
d. Yogic Cleansing 743
5 Pranayama 751
6 Meditation 759
7 The Yogic Diet 765


Vol- 3


Alopecia (Baldness)
This part is designed to give the reader some basic information about alopecia (baldness), hair disorders and benefits of yogic treatment. In addition, this part serves as a guide to basic understanding of the problems that are associated with alopecia and hair disorders. Since alopecia and hair disorders are the problems inseparably bound up with skin tissues, hair producing structures and blood supply. Hair is affected early in protein deficiency, iron deficiency and zonic deficiency. All these have been discussed in detain in the chapter diet and alopecia.

The role of yogasanas, pranayama and yogic diet have been discussed in the book. Now asanas and pranayama and diet can prevent or cure hair disorders and hair loss. Constipation
Yoga has its own therapy which is a specialised form or yogic culture. Constipation is a symptom not a disease. Constipation results when there is wrong diet inadequate liquids, stress and anxiety, irregular habits, lack of exercise and sedentary life style. This part is designed to give the reader some basic information about constipation and its cure by yoga system. In addition the book serves as guide to basic understanding of the problems that are associated with constipation. The essence of yogic treatment, diet, asanas, pranayama and milk therapy have been discussed in detail.

Each asana and pranayama exercise have a specific aim. Only those asanas and pranayama exercises which can remove constipation have been discussed in this book.
Stress Urbanization "along with Industrialization and commercialization, in the face of fast growing urban population has alienated modern man from Nature. This disharmony with the Nature has introduced artificiality in his life and living patterns. Modern man has reached a stage where race for mechanical comforts and ever increasing fastness of life are putting unbearable strains and stresses on his body and mind. It is this stress which has made man victim of many diseases and psychic disorders.

Yoga is a science by itself. The science of yoga and the science of the material are to unite in this century. Yoga is an art too. It is an art of living, a way of life. Yoga has also commercial aspect, not only in commercialization of therapy but also having its own impact on western medical system on multinational drug companies. Therefore through science, art and commerce. Yoga is expected to bring a new Revolution.

Brain is the most important organ of the body through which we have developed our consciousness. The purpose of yoga is to restore the function of the central nervous system to normalcy. Yoga system is the most scientific system for stress reduction and for treating and preventing stress- related diseases. Yoga through its eight limbs, Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyhara, Dharna, Dhyana, Samadhi can help harmonious development of mind and body. Yoga alone would help greatly to control neuro-humoral changes. Yoga ethics, pranayama and meditation can serve as panacea for modern physical and mental disease and disorders.

In our stress-torn world let all enjoy peace and normal health by the science of yoga.




  Introduction 779
  Part-X: Alopecia (Baldness)  
1 Hair Culture 783
2 Alopecia (Baldness) and Its Varieties 805
3 Causes of Alopecia and Hair Disorders 813
4 Yoga-Meaning and Relevance 817
5 Asanas 821
6 Prana and Pranayama 851
7 Diet-Alopecia and Hair Disorder 859
  Part-XI: Constipation  
0 The Digestive System 869
2 Constipation and Its Causes 879
3 The Yoga System 885
4 Yogasanas 897
5 The Science of Breathing 921
6 The Milk Therapy 927
7 The Diet Therapy 937
  Part-XII: Stress  
0 The -Nervous System 949
2 Stress and Its Causes 961
3 Stress and Emotions 973
4 Stress and Sleep Disorders 983
5 Stress Related Hypertension and Other Diseases 991
6 Society, Drugs and Drug Addiction 1007
7 Yoga-Meaning and Relevance 1027
8 Stress and Kundalini Yoga 1043
9 Asanas 1055
10 Stress and Pranayama 1077
11 Yoga Meditation 1089
12 Stress and Yogic Diet 1103
13 The Yogic Relaxation 1123


Vol- 4


Today's life-styles are causing Heart ailments, Diabetes, Hypertension, Stress-related diseases, Depression and Arthritis. The main causes being poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, smoking and drinking, lack of sleep and mental stress. Young and old, men and women are not able to cope with the challenges of society. A continued state of tension is the main reason of depression. A continued stress causes emotional wear and tear. Stress and depression bear a close association with an aggressive work environment. Even during the hours of rest and relaxation people think more of business promotion than relaxation. Chronic stress not only causes depression but can become a major cause of many psychosomatic diseases and disorders. No doubt an optimal level of stress is needed for everyone. A small amount of stress makes an individual alert and mentally prepared for any work or assignment assigned to him. But if the stress levels cross the optimal level, the entire system of human body will be disturbed.

Yoga is a wholistic way of living. It is an art of living, a way of life, a particular attitude towards our selves and the world around us. This introductory small book is designed to give the reader some basic information about depression and its management by different yogas. Stress and depression are the problems associated with nervous system. Which is the governing agency of the body. It controls all muscular movements, whether voluntary or involuntary. Brain and the nervous system are responsible for all conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious thoughts and regulates many vital processes namely Circulation, Respiration, Digestion and Elimination. The brain is the control station for nerve impulses.

How nervous system can be improved? How the functioning of the brain can be improved with the help of yoga, Meditation, Asans, diet, relaxation and pranayama. All these have been discussed in detail. The eight-limbs of yoga can give harmonious development of mind and body. Pranayama and meditation and asans can control neurohumoral changes occurring in the brain. In addition this small book will serve as a guide to basic understanding of the problems that are associated with depression, and the treatment of the problem with the help of yoga.

This part is designed to give the reader some basic information about menopause and the diseases and disorders associated with Menopause.

Menopause literally means stoppage of menstruation. It is usually the termination of the reproductive life. This should not be confused that this is the end of sexual life and family happiness. How different aspects of yoga namely asans. Pranayama yoga of meditation yogic diet and yog nidra can be helpful in menopause-All these aspects of yoga have been discussed in detail.

It was Aristotle who said, "Health of mind and body is so fundamental to the good life that if we believe that men have any rights as human beings, they have an absolute right of such a measure of good health that society alone is able to give them". During last couple of years many changes have occurred in our social system on the approaches to health care of women. A woman is lucky to live longer than man. But women can suffer from many conditions that never affect men. A woman's body must be capable of the complex processes of child bearing and infant feeding. In our country, the history of woman has been very long and chequered. She had to face trials and tribulations, suppression and repression by society. She has always been under privileged. Her health has been influenced by the sociopsycho and economic factors.

This part is designed to highlight the meaning, causes and problems associated with impotence and its cure with yogic system. It has been written to fill up the gap of communication between the patient and the doctor. The part has been written for educated laymen who are ignorant about their own disease or ailment. Technical terms have been avoided and substituted with simple and familiar terms.

Impotence is a word that strikes fear in the male heart. Impotence is not a disease. It is a symptom of some other ailment of the body or disturbance of the mind. Thus impotence cannot be treated until its origin is discovered. Generally impotence is classified into three major types depending on its origin or cause. These types are organic, functional or psychic. Yogic treatment has been emphasised. People generally take Asanas and Pranayama in a perfumetory manner. They do not know many things about yoga system which is both art and science. The yogic breathing or Pranayama plays vital role in curing impotency.




  Introduction 1129
  Part-XIII: Depression  
l. The Nervous System 1135
2 Depression - Its Types and Causes 1155
3 Depression and Anxiety Disorders 1179
4 Yoga-Meaning and Relevance 1187
5 The Role of Different Yogas 1203
6 The Secret Doctrine of Yoga 1219
7 Asanas and Warm - up Exercises 1229
8 Swarodya Yoga (Pranayama) 1257
9 Meditation 1271
10 Diet and Depression 1295
1l. Rest and Relaxation 1307
  Part-XIV: Menopause  
l. Her Story 1313
2 What is Menopause? 1329
3 Menopause and The Brain 1343
4 Menopause Distress 1353
5 The Role of Yoga 1369
6 The Yoga and Meditation 1381
7 Asanas 1399
8 Pranayama and Mudras 1423
9 Menopause and Diet 1435
10 Rest and Relaxation (Yog Nidra) 1443
  Part-XV: Impotency  
11 Male Impotence (Meaning and Causes) 1451
2 Sex and Sexuality 1469
3 Alcohol and Sex 1493
4 Role of Yoga 1501
5 Antar Mouna Meditation 1511
6 Rejuvenation Through Breathing 1517
7 Warm-up Exercises and Asanas 1533
8 Impotency and Diet 1561
9 Art of Relaxation 1569


Vol- 5


Personality Disorders
Where is life, we have lost in living,
Where is wisdom, we have lost in knowledge,
Where is knowledge, we have lost in information
T.S. Eliot
Today, we talk of environmental pollution but how bout our own physical, emotional mental, psychic and spiritual environment? How can we save ourselves from e inner environmental dangers of disturbed emotions, nruly passions, negative and aggressive thinking. We should not forget that the world is a projection of our own minds. We have lost control of the mind due to lack of right thinking and right action in relation to ourselves to the environment and to others. Society and the world cannot be changed unless we change our own thinking patterns within us.

This part is designed to give the reader some basic information about the meaning, kinds, disorders of personality and the attainment of integration and reintegration through the system of Yoga. In addition, the book serves as a guide to the basic understanding of the different personality disorders. The word personality has been defined variously by various writers from time to time. Emotions play most important role in the development of personality. Some people are emotionally maladjusted without suspecting it. Their entire personalities are dominated by some distorted perspective and all their reactions in life are modified by this peculiar slanting of the mind. There are some who become moody without due cause and some who look with jaundiced eyes upon the motive of others when the personality disorders grow so severe that the individual can no longer cope with the demands of his environment, his impressions become distorted, and he loses contact with reality. Throughout the centuries, men have stood in fear and awe of those unfortunate individuals who suffered from severe mental illness.

You can successfully reeducate the 21st century mind, and reveal the deeper qualities of peace, love, tolerance and Ahimsa which has been replaced by selfishness, greed and desire. Yoga is a wholistic way of living. It is a particular attitude towards ourselves and the world around us. Perhaps first and foremost, it is a sense of integrity, oneness in all we do. In Sanskrit there is a beautiful word "APTA" which refers to a person who says what he thinks and does what he says. Today, as we confront history's most devastating political, social and psychological problems a great hiatus exists between what we say and what we do - our culture is honey combined with false pretences. We are disillusioned, disappointed, and frustrated. Our personalities are disintegrated. Yoga preaches integration through the way of action (Karam Yoga). It teaches reintegration through the way of Astang Yoga (Hatha Yoga). It teaches the control through the Yoga of meditation, Yoga removes mental and physical tension through the methods of Asanas and Pranayama. Through Yoga we realise our duty towards two gifts we have been given, the environmental complex upon which we depend for our survival and the body-Mind complex in which we live. Yoga, is the integrating and transforming process. A balanced 'personality is a Sattvic personality which thinks and acts positively, creatively and compassionately and to attain this with a Sattvic diet.

Stomach Diseases
This part is designed to give the reader some basic information about some diseases associated with digestive system, and their prevention and cure through the system of yoga.

In addition this part serves as a guide to basic understanding of some yogic methods. How these methods can help in the treatment of stomach diseases and deudenum. The roles of Pranayama, Yoga, Asans and diet have been emphasised. A good and efficient digestive system is vital to a man for his physical and mental well-being. Today's life styles are causing stress-related diseases, Heart ailments and depression. The causes being poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep and mental stress. Both young and old, men and women are not able to cope with the modern socio-psycho challenges.

ENT Diseases
This part is designed to give the reader some basic information about the structure, functions and diseases of Ear. Nose, and Throat and the benefits from yogic treatment. In addition, this part serves as a guide to the basic understanding of the diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. The yogic treatment includes, life style, Asans, pranayama cleansing processes. According to the yogic treatment complete factual history of the patient dealing with the length of the problem location of pain duration and frequency of the pain, stress, anxiety, sleep pattern and life-style. Yoga treats human beings in totality. Yoga techniques i.e., Asans, pranayama, meditation and yogic principles are meant for maintaining physical and mental health. Nowadays its use as therapy is on the increase. It is good if we can cure or give relief in various diseases to patients but it is not correct to say that yoga cure is superior to other therapies. Every therapy has its own benefits and limitations, we should give relief or cure diseases by any therapy that suits us. Allopathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, any of these should be tried. Our aim is to utilize best in any therapy or medical system.




  Introduction 1575
  Part-XVI: Personality Disorders  
l. Personality: Meaning, Development and Types 1581
2 Personality Disorders 1605
3 Emotions and Personality 1623
4 Personality Integration Through Yoga 1633
5 Yogic Cleansing 1653
6 Yoga of Meditation 1659
7 The Yogic Breathing 1669
8 Warm-up Exercises and Asanas 1679
9 The Diet Therapy 1717
  Part-XVII: Stomach Diseases  
1 The Digestive System 1731
2 Diseases of the Digestive System 1741
3 Stress and Stomach 1763
4 The Role of Yoga 1769
5 The Science of Life Force 1787
6 Meditation 1797
7 Warm-up Exercises and Asanas 1809
8 Nutrition and Diet 1835
9 Rest and Relaxation 1851
  Part-XVIII: ENT Diseases  
1 Ear, Nose, Throat 1857
2 Diseases of ENT 1867
3 Health and Life Style 1881
4 Yoga-Meaning and Relevance 1899
5 The Yogic Cleansing 1915
6 The Science of Life Force 1921
7 Attention, Concentration and Meditation 1933
8 Warm-up Exercises and Asanas 1951
9 The Diet Therapy 1979
10 The Art of Relaxation 1989


Vol- 6


Amnesia (Loss or Memory)
This part is designed to give the reader some basic information about the meaning, nature of memory and the causes of Amnesia (Loss of memory) and how loss of memory can be treated, cured and prevented with different Yogas and techniques namely Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation and Yogic diet.

The Brain and Nervous system control the whole system. The spinal cord leading from the brain sends nerve ends to every part of the body. Three brain structures are critical to the formation of memories, the medial temporal lobe, certain diencephalic nuclie, and the basal forebrain. The medial temporal lobe houses the hippocampus and elongated highly repetitive network. Amygdala is adhacent to the anterior end of the hippocampus. The amygdala has been suggested to rate the emotional importance of an experience and to activate the level of hippocampus activity accordingly. Thus an emotionally intense experience is indelibly etched in memory. Within the diencephalon the dorsal medial nucleus of the thalamus and the manillary bodies appear necessary for memory formation. One of the most important characteristics of brain is that it is a store house of memories.

This part is designed to give the reader some basic information about the meaning, symptoms and transmission of HIV / AIDS, a Global problem, and how this grave problem can be checked and controlled with the Yogic practices namely Yogic principles, Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation and the diet therapy. The relationship of Yoga and sex has been dealt with in detail. How sex problems and sex diseases can be checked and cured with the help of Yogic practices. A disproportionate desire for sexual activity may exists which renders an individual either 'Under sexed' or 'Over sexed'. Usually these conditions result from emotional factors. Because of emotional disturbances, 'Under sexed' individual becomes inhibited concerning genital activity. So that the desire for sexual activity is diminished conversely the 'Oversexed', individual suffers from mental upsets that result in heightened sexual activity. In this opposite extreme the 'Over sexed' persons seek to express through genital activity the sexuality they strive to satisfy.

AIDS is the dead liest epidemic in human history. We must rise to the occasion and with firm determination act to combat this dreaded disease. The disease is likely to claim millions of lives across the globe in the next 10 years. Aids prevention is too serious an issue to be left to the indifferent state governments to implement.

AIDS (The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by the HIV /Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV can be transmitted by contaminated needles or other objects that penetrate the skin. Large numbers are being infected from heterosexual and bisexual partners. Between one and 10 years after infection 80% of people develop aids or a wide spread lymph node problem or brain involvement. Fifty percent will develop the full aids pattern with such severe loss of immunity that they become susceptible to a wide range of infections and some cancers.

The present work is an endeavour to consider the various aspects of the most serious problems HIV / AIDS, sex, drugs, and drug abuse, and to suggest preventive measures in the light of Yoga. Whosoever wants to free himself from the din and noise, trials and tribulation, stresses and strains and fear and psychosis, sexual problems must come to the refuge of Yoga- the eternal sedative the only choice before making.




  Introduction 1995
  Part-XIX: Amnesia (Loss of Memory)  
1 The Brain and Nervous System 1999
2 Memory-Meaning and Nature 2013
3 Why Loss of Memory? 2029
4 Yogas Improve Memory 2041
5 Memory and Swarodaya Yoga 2067
6 Warm-up Exercises and Asanas 2075
7 Memory and Meditation 2111
8 Memory and Yogic Diet 2121
  Part-XX: HIV and AIDS  
0 The Gravest Challenge 2139
2 HIV / AIDS : Meaning, Symptoms and Transmission 2149
3 Yoga: Meaning and Relevance 2161
4 Yoga and Sex 2181
5 Tantra Yoga and Sex 2207
6 Brahmcharya Yoga 2227
7 The Yogic Cleansing 2237
8 Warm-up Exercises and Asanas 2251
9 Science of Breath 2295
10 The Psychic Prana 2318
11 The Yoga of Meditation 2321
12 The Diet Therapy 2335
13 Conclusion but the Curtain Rises 2353


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