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Lord Krishna: His Lilas and Teachings

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Item Code: IHL482
Author: Swami Sivananda
Language: English
Edition: 2019
ISBN: 8170520215
Pages: 260
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.6 inch X 5.6 inch
Weight 300 gm
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Fully insured
Shipped to 153 countries
Shipped to 153 countries
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More than 1M+ customers worldwide
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100% Made in India
23 years in business
23 years in business
Book Description

Sri Swami Sivananda

Born on the 8th September, 1887, in the illustrious family of Sage Appayya Dikshitar and several other renowned saints and savants, Sri Swami Sivananda had a natural flair for a life devoted to the study and practice of Vedanta. Added to this was an inborn eagerness to serve all and an innate feeling of unity with all mankind.

His passion for service drew him to the medical career; and soon he- gravitated to where he thought that his service was most needed. Malaya claimed him. He had earlier been editing a health journal and wrote extensively on health a problems. He discovered that people needed right knowledge most of all; dissemination of that knowledge he espoused as his own mission.

It was divine dispensation and the blessing of God upon mankind that the doctor of body and mind renounced his career and took to a life of renunciation to qualify for ministering to the soul of man. He settled down at Rishikesh in 1924, practised intense austerities and shone as a great Yogi, saint, sage and Jivanmukta.

In 1932 Swami Sivananda started the Sivanandashram. In 1936 was born The Divine Life Society. In 1948 the Yoga-Vedanta ‘Forest Academy was organised. Dissemination of spiritual knowledge and training of people in Yoga and Vedanta were their aim and object. In 1950 Swamiji undertook a lightning tour of India and Ceylon. In 1953 Swamiji convened a ‘World Parliament of Re1igions’. Swamiji is the author of over 300 volumes and has disciples all over the world, belonging to all nationalities, religions and creeds. To read Swamiji’s works is to drink at the Fountain of Wisdom Supreme. On 14th July, 1963 Swamiji entered Mahasamadhi.




Salutations to Lord Krishna, the Supreme Lord, who is the indweller of our hearts, who is Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute, who is the Soul of this universe, who bestows Immortality on His devotees, who is the source for everything and who took a human form for the benefit of the gods and His devotees, to destroy wickedness and establish righteousness.

I bow to that Para Brahman, the Supreme Self from whom is born this mysterious universe, by whom alone it is upheld, and in whom alone it is dissolved, who is Lord Krishna Himself.

Lord Krishna was the highest incarnation of the great Vishnu. He was the unique and crowning incarnation of all. He was the Puma Avatara, the Perfect Incarnation. He had sixteen Kalas or rays. He was a noble scion of the illustrious Yadava dynasty. He was the world—teacher. He was the one Lord of love. He was a lover of men. His divine form holds the heart of India captive in chains even today.

The Bhagavata, the Mahabharata, the Vishnu Purana———all proclaim with one voice that there was none to match Sri Krishna in beauty and elegance of form in all the three worlds.

His enchanting form with flute in hand is worshiped in the myriad homes of India. It is a form to which is poured out devotion and supreme love from the hearts of countless devotees not only in India but also in the West.

He was a noble embodiment of all the great qualities of head and heart. He was the towering genius of His age. He was a great historical figure. His sports of childhood contain count- less object-lessons for all thinking men. He was a glorious and extraordinary personality.

Every word of Lord Krishna’s teachings and every act of His is full of sublime and grand object—lessons of momentous import to humanity in at variety of ways.

Worship of Sri Krishna has been practised in India from the very commencement of the world culture. It is a part of the Veda itself. It is not a new cult. Sri Krishna has become the most common object of worship in the whole of India. Even in Latvia (Europe) hundreds of ladies worship Sri Krishna and repeat His Mantra OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA.

Lord Krishna was great in knowledge, great in emotion, great in action, altogether. The scriptures have not recorded any life more full, more intense, more sublime, more grand than His.

Though Lord Krishna appeared in human form, He had an Aprakritic, divine body. He did not take any birth. He did not die. He appeared and disappeared through His 'Yoga Maya. This is a secret known only to His devotees, Yogis and sages.

Lord Krishna has played various parts during His stay in the world. He drove the chariot of Arjuna. He was an excellent statesman. He was a master musician. He gave lessons to Narada in the art of playing the Vina. The music of His flute thrilled the hearts of Gopis and of all. He was a cowherd in Nandagaon and Gokul. He exhibited miracles even when He was a child and a boy. He killed many Rakshasas. He showed Viswaroopa to His mother. He did Rasalila, the secrets of which can only be understood by devotees like Narada, Gouranga, Radha, and the Gopis. He taught the supreme truths of Yoga, Bhakti and Vedanta to Arjuna and Uddhava. He had mastery over the sixty-four arts. That is why He is regarded as can Avatara with sixteen Kalas or Powers.

About the Book

Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings
This book deals with the advent, Lilas and teachings of Lord Krishna, Avatara of Lord Vishnu, Flute-Bearer of Vrindavana, Joy of Devaki, Beloved of Radha, Redeemer of the Fallen, Friend of Arjuna, The Ideal of the Devotees, Narrator of Bhagavad Gita.




Ekasloki Bhagavatam 5
Chatuh-sloki Bhagavatam 6
Salutations to Lord Krishna 8
Sri Krishna-ashtottara-satanama-stotram 11
Madhurashtakam 13
The Song of Sweetness 14
Introduction 17
Part I
Lord Krishna 45
Birth of Lord Krishna 47
Birthday Celebration 49
Putana’s Deliverance 50
Overturning of the Cart 51
The Killing of Trinavarta 51
Showing Cosmic Vision to Yasoda 52
Naming Ceremony 52
Sports of the Child 53
Tying of Krishna 54
The Yamala-Arjuna Trees 54
The Fruit-seller 55
Vrindavan 56
Deliverance from Vatsasura 57
Deliverance from Bakasura 57
Deliverance from Aghasura 57
Brahma’s Delusion 57
Deliverance from Dhenukasura 59
Boys and Cows Saved from the Effect of Poison 60
Grace on the Kaliya Serpent 60
Swallowing Forest Fire 62
Pralambasura 62
The Forest Fire 63
The Music of the Flute 63
The Stealing of the Clothes 64
Krishna and the Vedic Yajna 65
Abolition of Indra’s Worship 67
Raising of Govardhana 68
Coronation of Krishna 69
Nanda Rescued from Varuna 70
Commencement of Rasa Lila 71
Gopis Suffer Pangs of Separation and ‘Search for Lord Krishna 76
Gopika Gitam 81
Sri Krishna Suddenly Appears and Consoles the Gopis 84
Gopi’s Love 86
Secret of Rasa Lila 89
Rasa Lila 96
Part II
Krishna and Uddhava 103
Avadhuta’s Story 106
Samsara 118
Bondage and Liberation 122
Sadhu and Bhakti 125
Glory of Satsanga 128
The Gunas 131
How to Withdraw from the Sense—objects 133
Bhakti Yoga 138
Method of Meditation 141
The Siddhis 143
The Vibhutis or Powers of the Lord 147
The Duties of the Brahmacharin and the Householder 152
The Duties of the Vanaprasthas and Sannyasins 159
Jnana and Vijnana 166
Yama and Niyama 170
The Three Paths: Karma, Bhakti and Jnana 172
Guna and Dosha 176
The Tattvas 182
Prakriti and Purusha 185
Reincarnation 187
Endurance 191
Sankhya 198
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas 201
Aila Gita 205
Kriya Yoga and Idol-worship 209
Jnana Yoga 215
Bhakti Yoga 221
Part III
The Bhagavata Path 227
Kavi Instructs 228
Hari Instructs 230
Antariksha Instructs 232
Prabuddha Instructs How to Cross Maya 234
Pippalayana Instructs on the Nature of the Lord 237
Avirhotra Instructs on Karma Yoga 239
Drumila, the Son of Jayanti- Describe the Lord’s Avatara 241
Chamasa Instructs 245
Karabhajana Instructs 247
Sri Krishna-karnamritam 253
Kunti’s Prayer 254
Prahlada’s Prayer 256


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