Dreams | High Texture Finger Painting | By Konika Banerjee


Within this masterpiece, a vision of celestial beauty emerges, a breathtaking girl, her eyes gently closed in reverie, a beacon of serenity and grace. Adorned with resplendent flowers, each petal seems to whisper secrets of the soul’s desires. Konika Banerjee’s textured brushwork creates a tactile feast for the senses, inviting you to touch the dreamscape. Mesmerise with enchanting beauty of this artwork, and be transported to a realm where dreams dance in vibrant hues, igniting the fires of imagination and beckoning you to explore the boundless realms of possibility. Display this artwork to infuse your space with a sense of enchantment, and let the beauty of dreams inspire and enthral your soul.

Item Code: WSA753
Artist: Konika Banerjee
Oil On Canvas, High Texture Finger Painting
Dimensions 24.00 inch Height X 24.00 inch Width
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