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Srimad Bhagavata Purana - Discover its teachings on spirituality and devotion.

Bhagavata as available today, has been divided into 12 skandhas or books, further divided into 335 adhyayas or chapters, containing in all, a little more than 14,000 slokas or verses. However, tradition has always put it at 18,000 verses.

The Bhagavata is a work of exceptional literary merit. It is as graceful as it is tough. Whether it is a description of nature (10.20) or of places like Mathura and Dwarka (10.41; 10.37) or depiction of the well-known navarasas (nine poetic sentiments 10.29; 10.60; 10.37; 10.8; 10.80, 81), Bhagavata excels in every way. No wonder then, that the community of scholars have, for centuries, accepted it as a touchstone of their erudition.

Traditional Commentaries

For this very reason, the Bhagavata has attracted the attention of several scholars who have composed commentaries on it. As many as 44 commentaries are known to exist.

By far, the Bhavarthadipika of Sridharasvamin (14th cent.) seems to be the most popular of these commentaries. Brevity and clarity, a rather difficult combination, are its chief characteristics. It has also steered clear of controversies. Dipini is sub-commentary on this work by Radharamanadasa Gosvamin. Since Sridhara was a monk of the Advaita school of Vedanta, the other two schools Visistadvaita and Dvaita-did not want to lag behind. The Bhagavata-candrika of Viraraghavacarya and the Padaratnavali of Vijayadhavaja-tirtha are the commentaries, respectively, of these two schools. The other well-known commentaries still holding their sway among the followers of the respective cults are: Subodhini of Vallabhacarya (A. D. 1473-1531); Siddhanta-pradipa of Nimbarkacarya (12th cent.); Kramasandarbha of Jivagosvamin (15th cent.) and Sararthadarsini of Visvanatha-cakravartin (17th cent.). Sanatana Gosvamin (15th cent.) has chosen to comment only on the tenth skandha. This work, Brhad-vaisnavatosini, is highly venerated by the followers of the Caitanya school.


Q1. What is the importance of Bhagavata Purana?


·        The Bhagavata was written to make the Vedic teachings relevant and assimilate into the lives of people.


·        The Bhagavata Purana has a special significance in Kaliyuga, which is like a Kalpa tree for the salvation of human beings. It illuminates the practice of Bhakti Yoga to attain union with the divine.


·        By following its teachings, the vices of human birth are destroyed, a human crosses the ocean of worldly sufferings, develops the cosmic and spiritual life, attains self-knowledge, and experiences intense compassion or love for the Supreme Lord.


·        Teaches humans to live without the fear of death, and also liberates them from Pitra Doshas. Increases one’s fortunes by fulfilling human desires

Q2. Is Bhagavata Purana true?


Lord Chaitanya accepts Srimad Bhagavatam as the Lord itself and one can only understand the Lord as He is, through devotion. Any other attempts will fail. All Acharyas accept its validity and authenticity. It is only the internet trolls that spread such cheap propaganda.


Vishnu Purana, lists Bhagwatam as one of the 18 puranas. The creation of the world, and its successive reproductions, the genealogies of the patriarchs and kings, the periods of the Manus, and the transactions of the royal dynasties, are narrated in all these Puranas. We feel that the recitation) of Srimad Bhagavata is a provider of knowledge, Bhakti, Jnana and Vairagya, and bliss.